About Us
GoGreen was created out of an idea to save the world, 1 reusable product at a time. Each product that we are able to reuse, we reduce the waste of a non-reusable product.
Singapore sends about 200,000 tonnes of solid waste and all incineration ash to the Semakau landfill every year!.ยน
It is also the only landfill we have left! It is also expected to be filled up by the year 2052 with the rate we are throwing trash.
The only way we can stop this from happening is doing our own part in reducing waste. Reusing, recycling and reducing.
At GoGreen, we only use recycled materials, from the item you're using, to the packaging it came in. It is all recyclable.
In that part, we also reduce waste that goes to landfill, and prevent it from filling up so quickly